Our Online Intensive Courses are compatible with our Face-to-Face Intensive Courses in price, teaching hours, and levels. Switching between the two offers is possible anytime, when places are available.
If you are interested in our online courses, you have the possibility to try one out for 1 day free to find out whether you would like to book the full course.
That is what WiPDaF is offering you:
- Intensive training in all four language skills
- current and relevant additional topics supplementering the textbook work
- comprehensive training an grammar and vocabulary
- teaching with a wide variety of media
- varriable teaching and learning methods (e.g., whole classroom, single-person, two-person, small group work etc.)
- additional material to support self-learning activities
- invitation to join Google Classroom as a complementary learning platform for homework and exercises
- Lessons with competent and experienced teachers
You need:
- a computer with a camera and a microphon or a headset or smartphone (with reservations)
- a stable internet connection
- e-mail address
You can find course hours and prices at: https://www.wipdaf-deutschkurse-muenster.de/english/courses/online-courses-german/schedule-and-application/